May 15th, 2024 - Osage senior, Eleanor Alonzo, was selected to receive the first annual $500 Precisionnaires Foundation Scholarship. She has excelled in her participation in band, chorus, show choir, dance team, and flags/colorguard, as well as many other activities in school and the community. Her future plans include attending the University of Iowa for a degree in Music Therapy, which will combine her passions of music and helping people. It is hoped that we will be able to increase both the number and size of scholarships available in the future!
Through their experiences in the Precisionnaires, its alumni understands the value of music education in the schools. The Foundation wants to encourage children to get a start in the instrumental music program as early as possible, but understands that some families would struggle to afford the cost of renting or purchasing that “first instrument”. To help out so that all students who are interested can get a chance to start learning an instrument, the Precisionnaires Foundation has donated $1500 to help defray some of the expense of getting started on an instrument. The program is being administered by the Osage staff.